Video Clips – English

Video clips from PowerPoint presentations
The PowerPoint presentations in the ECRR 2nd Edition Kit contain video clips. As a service to purchasers of the kit, for ease of downloading, we are also making the video clips available here.
How to download video clips:
Right click on the video clip you’d like to download. In the window that opens up, click “save target as” or “save link as.” A “save as” window will open, allowing you to browse for the location where you want to save the file.
Fun with Words for Parents and Children
Slide #11
Parent & Childhood Workshops, page 74
Slide #12
Parent & Childhood Workshops, page 75
Slide #13
Song Language Toddler.wmv
Song Language Infant.wmv
Parent & Childhood Workshops, page 76
Fun with Letters for Parents and Children
Slide #8
Teaching Letter.wmv
Parent & Childhood Workshops, page 43
Parent Workshop
Slide #15
Denny and Tanner.wmv
Parent Workshop, page 17
Slide #16
Stretching Language toddler.wmv
Parent Workshop, page 18
Slide #17
Songs & Language.wmv
Parent Workshop, page 19
Slide #22
Pretend Reading toddler.wmv
Kristi and carly.wmv
Parent Workshop, page 24
Slide #25
Pretend Play toddler.wmv
Parent Workshop, page 25
These video clips may be used only by those who have purchased the Every Child Ready to Read 2nd Edition Kit. The following credit statement must appear on any handouts, websites, or other materials developed by the library, outside of the materials provided in the ECRR toolkit. This permission is granted with the condition that the materials you create and use are for educational purposes only (not for resale).
“Every Child Ready to Read® @ your library® is a program of the Association for Library Service to Children and Public Library Association, divisions of the American Library Association. Every Child Ready to Read® @ your library® is a registered trademark and is used with permission.”