

When using the Every Child Ready to Read®, PLA and ALSC logos on ECRR materials and websites, please include the following credit:

Every Child Ready to Read® @ your library®, PLA and ALSC logos are registered trademarks of the American Library Association and are used with permission.

All ECRR, PLA, and ALSC logos and images herein must be used in their entirety to properly depict their complete visual appearance.

Every Child Ready to Read (color/high resolution jpg)
Every Child Ready to Read (color/low resolution jpg)
Every Child Ready to Read (color/EPS)
Every Child Ready to Read (black & white/EPS)
Every Child Ready to Read (Spanish – color jpg)

Child and Star (color/high resolution jpg)
Child and Star (color/low resolution jpg)

Talking | Singing | Reading | Writing | Playing (color/high resolution)
Talking | Singing | Reading | Writing | Playing (color/low resolution)
Talking | Singing | Reading | Writing | Playing (Spanish – color jpg)

PLA (color/EPS)
PLA (color/low resolution jpg)

ALSC (color/high resolution jpg)
ALSC (color/low resolution jpg)

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